With hearts brimming with gratitude and excitement, we take a fond look back at last Friday, a milestone day marked in the history of the Three Tree Wellness Center.

A day where we blossomed into a new era, unveiling a brand refresh that was met with the heartfelt cheers and warm embraces of our beloved community.

12 Years of Collective Wellness Journey

Thank you, dear community, for walking alongside us for the past 12 years. Every step, every shared moment, and every session in our wellness center has been a beautiful journey, enriched with stories of healing, connection, and communal support. Your unwavering loyalty and the shared belief in nurturing wellness have been our guiding light, illuminating our path as we molded this rebrand.

The Unveiling: A Confluence of Energy, Joy, and Inspiration

Last Friday was not just a reveal; it was a celebration of our collective spirit. With joyous hearts, we peeled back the curtain, revealing a logo that goes beyond aesthetic allure, symbolizing the essence of our approach:

  • Heart: Symbolizing a haven of healing, community connection, and safety.
  • Body: An embodiment of our promise to foster your physical wellness and relaxation.
  • Mind: Reflecting our vow to support and uplift your mental and emotional sanctuary.

Our Palette of Tranquility

Our refreshed look brings with it a soothing palette inspired by the gentle, embracing colors of nature, blending sage green, deep mustard, and warm beige into a harmonious echo of tranquillity and warmth, ever-present in your experiences with us.

Same Roots, New Foliage

While our visual identity has transformed, our foundational roots remain deeply embedded in our core values and unwavering commitment to serve you with love, expertise, and authenticity. Your wellness journey, under the comforting shade of the Three Tree Wellness Center, continues with the same integrity, enveloped in our refreshed, vibrant energies.

With Warmest Thanks

As we navigate through this exciting new chapter, we extend our arms in gratitude to you, our community, for enriching our wellness space with your presence and vibrancy. Your continuous support has been vital in sculpting this rebrand, ensuring it resonates with the hearts of those we serve.

A heartfelt thank you to The B-Town Blog for providing a platform to share our journey and to the city of Burien for fostering a community where wellness and connection can flourish in unison.

Here’s to New Beginnings

Our journey doesn’t end here; it blossoms into new beginnings. We invite you to explore, experience, and be enveloped in the tranquillity of our refreshed brand. Together, let’s continue to nurture our hearts, bodies, and minds in the comforting embrace of the Three Tree Wellness Center.

With Love and Light,
Three Tree Wellness Center Team

To stay updated on our schedule and offerings, or for any queries you might have, feel free to reach out to us via our Facebook group here:


2026 SW 152nd Street, Suite B
Burien, WA 98166

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