A possible increase of up to 1% in property taxes, budget review, rental housing policies, SCORE jail, state and federal legislative agenda, noise ordinance and more will be on the agenda for Monday night’s Burien City Council meeting.
The regular meeting will start at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
Download the full agenda packet here (PDF file).
Here’s the agenda:
- To Hold an Executive Session to Discuss Pending Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), and to Consider the Minimum Price at Which Real Estate will be Offered for Sale or Lease Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c).
- Public Hearing on Revenue Sources, Including a Possible Increase of Up to 1% in Property Tax Revenue, and Expenditures for the 2019-2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Review and Adjustment.(Eric Christensen, Finance Director)
- Presentation and Discussion on the 2019-2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Review and Adjustment, including Proposed 2020 Financial Policies. (Eric Christensen, Finance Director)
- Discussion on the 2020 State and Federal Legislative Agenda. (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager / Lyset Cadena, State Lobbyist / Mike Doubleday, Federal Lobbyist)
- Discussion an Potential Action Approving Ordinance No. 716, Adopting Rental Housing Policies. (Lisa Marshall, City Attorney)
- Discussion and Potential Action Approving Ordinance No. 717, Adopting Amended Interlocal Agreement with SCORE (South Correctional Entity), Including the City’s Capital Contribution Related to Refunding Bonds to be Issued to Refinance the SCORE Facility. (Eric Christensen, Finance Director)
- Discussion and Review of Ordinance No. 707, Adopting Amendments to the Noise Ordinance. (Chris Craig, Economic Development Manager)
- Discussion on Sound Cities Association (SCA) Public Issues Committee (PIC).(Austin Bell, Deputy Mayor / Nancy Tosta, Councilmember)
- Review of the Council Proposed Agenda Schedule. (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)