Two off-duty, veteran Burien Police officers – Mark Hayden and Henry McLauchlan (speaking out of uniform as residents) – took a public stand at Monday night’s (April 29, 2024) Burien City Council meeting, lambasting City Manager Adolfo Bailon for his recent request to remove Burien Police Chief Ted Boe.

Mark Hayden serves as the storefront officer in Downtown Burien. Photo courtesy City of Burien.

Hayden and McLauchlan, both well-known, longtime officers of the Burien Police Department, expressed their personal dismay over the city’s recent actions during the public comment portion of the meeting.

Hayden has been serving the department for over 25 years, most recently as the full-time storefront officer in downtown Burien.

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McLauchlan is a veteran Sergeant who recently earned his 45-year pin, and was honored at Discover Burien’s “Best of Burien” awards dinner.

“Chief Ted Boe has been openly and unfairly criticized and blamed for the shortcomings of the city and its leaders,” Hayden said. “There are no qualifying statements as to why he is now distrusted among councilmembers and the city manager demanding his removal as chief of police … if you do not trust Chief Ted Boe, you not trust me or the other brave men and women that work here in this city.”

Police Chief Ted Boe congratulates Sgt. Henry McLauchlan for his 45 years of service at the Mar. 1, 2024 “Best of Burien” awards dinner. Photo by Scott Schaefer.

McLauchlan echoed Hayden’s sentiments, emphasizing Chief Boe’s commitment to improving public safety in Burien.

“We the officers of the Police Department of Burien write today to express our extreme disappointment with the recent decision of the city to request the removal of Chief Ted Boe as the chief,” he said. “The chief is a leader, and is the compass for all the work your officers do and what your officers have built in this community. I could not sit back and let one man be insulted, demeaned and vilified for issues that are clearly failures by the city government for the last several years, the chief as the scapegoat for the city manager and this council. And let it be known I’m here at no one’s direction.”

The officers’ comments come amid growing tension between the Burien Police Department / King County Sheriff’s Office and city officials. The City Manager’s recent calls for Chief Boe’s removal have sparked controversy within the community, with many residents expressing their support for the embattled police chief.

The fate of Chief Boe remains uncertain as the city and King County continues to deliberate on the matter.


Below is video and transcripts of both Hayden and McLauchlan’s public comment (NOTE: video showing people making comments were not made visible during this meeting, just audio and the timer; running time 4:42):

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Mark Hayden:

“Good evening. I’m Mark Hayden, a longtime Burien resident and I currently work in the city. Some of you here today know me from the community and from the work that I do. I’ve been in the city for over 25 years and have built relationships with a lot of you.

“I stand on my integrity, my morals, and my ethics to provide this community with a trusted partner, advisor, and friend on navigating the myriad of issues surrounding our city I’ve never come before the Council to speak at this time, or my time has come for me to use my 2 minutes as a citizen. As a taxpayer, the city manager has openly stated he no longer trusts Chief Ted Boe, and seeks the removal from the Burien Police Department.

“This is supported by the mayor and the Council.

“Over the last several weeks, public statements have been filled with false narratives, lies and manipulations of the truth. These statements have been made with complete disregard for all who may be impacted. It has been done at the expense of a good man’s reputation. Chief Ted Boe has been openly and unfairly criticized and blamed for the shortcomings of the cities and its leaders. This is a man who has served this community for six years. There are no qualifying statements as to why he is now distrusted among council members and the city manager demanding his removal as chief of police, I heard you state that if you do not trust Chief Ted Boe, you not trust me or the other brave men and women that work here in this city.

“The chief is a leader and is the compass for all the work your officers do and what your officers have built in this community. I could not sit back and let one man be insulted, demeaned and vilified for issues that are clearly failures by the city government for the last several years, the chief as the scapegoat for the city manager and this Council.

“And let it be known I’m here at no one’s direction.

“Chief Boe had no knowledge of me coming to speak to you. I’m here to do what is right, and I stand in front of you to openly state I have no confidence in the city manager or this Council and I am not alone. Finally, instead of pointing fingers and placing blame on a man who has done nothing but support this community and who has attempted to work with all of you, it is time to look in the mirror and truly evaluate your personal performance and your moral compass.”

Mayor Schilling: “Thank you, Mark.”

Hayden: “Thank you.”

Henry McLauchlan:

“I’m here representing only myself and not here at the direction of anyone. I’ve got 25 plus years of work to serve in the city. I’ve watched as council members, mayors, city managers and police chiefs have come and gone. Some good, (some) not so good. 

“Interesting fact about police chiefs – they are required to swear an oath to protect and follow the constitution of both the United States, and the State of Washington, Revised Code of Washington; King County Municipal codes is defined by the courts, not an easy task, but part of the challenges we face today. I’ve had the privilege of watching Chief Boe grow from patrol officer to police chief and he has never wavered from that oath. He has led from the front and holds everyone, including himself, to incredibly high standards, all the while weighing legal standing and legal authority on the direction he provides. He is a champion of accountability and protecting all people’s civil rights while being proactive and innovative in this approach. 

“And this body, through proclamation or standing silent, has challenged his trust, his honesty, credibility. In response to that petition, we the officers of the Police Department of Burien write today to express our extreme disappointment with the recent decision of the city to request the removal of Chief Ted Boe as the chief. The chief has been the chief of the majority of the last decade and has done nothing but improve the work site in your city. In addition to significant drops in crime and increases in proactive activity, Ted has put Burien on the city map as a premier agency for the mental health alternatives with police interaction and with our neighbors that are in crisis. He is motivated, developed his office of the state to the extent that prior to this decision, Burien had the highest ratio of officers attempting to get into your contract and leave the county. This actual result was the immediate transfer request of countless years of experience from the city to more supportive organizations within the county. On top of this, nobody has except the least senior deputies and sergeants will be forced to work in a place that does not support constitutional policing, which historically results…”

Mayor Schilling: “Thank you, Henry.”

McLauchlan: “…in lower proactive rates. For this reason, this letter serves as an expression of no confidence in the city manager or mayor…”

Mayor Schilling: (interrupting at 2-minute mark) “Thank you Henry. Henry, please…thank you.”

McLauchlan:  “Shame on you.”

Schilling: “Please, no applause…”

Mayor Schilling Responds

We reached out to City Manager Adolfo Bailon and Mayor Kevin Schilling for comment, and received the following statement from Schilling:

“It is an unfortunate situation that it had to come to this, or that it had to come at such a public forum. We as council and staff are sorry that these officers felt the need to speak openly in public in support of the Chief. That there are two sides to every story. And I, council and staff, support our local police, and especially the two that spoke who represent the department well in the community. I have faith that we’ll get through this difficult situation with the County and be stronger in the end.”

Watch full video of the council meeting here.

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10 replies on “Two off-duty police officers criticize City Manager, council during public comment at Monday night’s Burien City Council meeting”

  1. I hope that this will help some folks think twice about the crusade that they are on. Many of them have claimed to be on the side of law enforcement, and they now have cops at every level telling them to slow down and reconsider what they are doing. Now we will see their true feelings.

  2. The council and city manager are a complete joke. They pass a tent ban ordinance that’s at best ambiguous to enforce or possibly unconstitutional. When that puts the sheriff and his deputies in a pickle they blame the sheriff. All the while slow walking a pallet home site. How about sitting down with the sheriff and vetting your ordinance BEFORE you pass it.

    I’ve lived in burien since 1987. I know quite well what kind of job the sheriff and deputies have done. They’ve got our back. Sorry city hall, you don’t.

    1. Tom, you stole my thunder. Chief Ted Boe doesn’t deserve any of the criticism placed upon him by our Burien City Manager Adolfo Bailon and/or certain council members for him simply following a directive from his higher up in command, Sheriff Cole-Tindall. In addition, I applaud Officers Mark Hayden and Henry McLauchian for speaking up at last night’s city council meeting in defense of Chief Ted Beo. I could go on and on but its nap time for this old guy.

  3. Thank you so much to these officers for speaking out! So many folks in Burien say we need to support the police, but then turn their backs on them when the police put citizens first, which is what our council SHOULD be doing.

  4. I’ve known Henry McLauchlin since I was a member of the council 20+ years ago. He has always been honest, upfront, and reasonable. I stand with Henry, Mark, and Chief Boe. The council, the ceremonial mayor, and the city manager have damaged the city with their personal agendas and failure to act on issues related to the unhoused.

  5. The burien police are contracted by King County – thats the main issue and lack of communication thats happened between King County Sheriff Office and Burien. (If Seattle’s hand wasn’t hovering above these two parties pulling strings this wouldn’t have happened.) I have no comments in regards to Cheif Boe nor that he is/isn’t fit for the job. I believe he’s attempting to work with Burien while getting his wrists slapped by Seattle. < It doesn't work unless all partys sit down.

  6. When you have cops, of all people, coming out with public statements about how excessive and unconstitutional the law is, maybe you should stop and think about the what you are trying to accomplish and maybe reexamine if you are going about things the right way.

    It seems the Mayor and Manager just really want a fight. Unfortunately our city’s budget, and our community will be what suffers.

  7. Mayor Shilling, your assurance that ‘I, council and staff, support our local police’ is appreciated. However, it’s evident that City Manager Adolfo Bailon’s actions are eroding this support. As you stated, ‘There are two sides to every story,’ and it’s crucial to acknowledge that Bailon’s side is detrimental to our police force and community. It’s time for the necessary steps to ensure the well-being of our city.

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