Courtesy Anna Neubauer comes this amazing footage showing a bald eagle hunting a duck on Lake Burien last Thursday afternoon, Jan. 4. Watch how this awesome bird of prey repeatedly dive bombs what is most likely a mallard duck in the lake, all the while being pursued by crows, who appear to be either trying to guard their fellow bird or are merely protecting their own turf. Ultimately, the duck survived, perhaps because of its perfect timing of diving underwater whenever our country’s national mascot got too close. The eagle finally gave up though, and was escorted out of the area by a persistent, lone, cawing crow. Cuteness alert: watch until the end to see a toddler with Anna wave goodbye as the eagle cruises away. “The bald eagle is an opportunistic carnivore with the capacity to consume a great variety of prey,” according to Wikipedia. “Bird species most preferred as prey by eagles tend to be medium-sized, such as western grebes, mallards and American coots, as such prey is relatively easy for the much larger eagles to catch and fly with.” Be sure to watch full-screen in HD: [embed][/embed]]]>

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