This week, Burien City Manager Brian Wilson gave the following update on increased patrols by Burien Police at two local Safeway stores:
Burien Police have been maximizing their overlap shifts (without additional overtime) in patrol with emphasis efforts in the business complex in the area of 148th & 1st Avenue.
These emphasis efforts are coordinated with Safeway to reduce shoplifting incidents. This has occurred at the 148th and also the 128th Safeway locations.
This emphasis involves uniformed officers doing emphasis patrols in the parking lots as well as arrest processing within the store. This past week, four shoplifting interventions occurred with one qualifying for a LEAD arrest diversion. Burien Police have received positive comments from customers and management who have noticed a considerable difference of behavior in and around the properties.
Burien Police have posted their work on Facebook and the public’s response to the ongoing emphasis has been very positive.