The King County Council this week approved $2 million towards 4Culture’s COVID-19 response efforts, as part of a $60 million COVID-19 emergency relief budget proposed by Executive Dow Constantine.
“We would like to thank the King County Council and the King County Executive for recognizing the astoundingly difficult situation our sector is in because of COVID-19,” 4Culture said in a statement.
Research conducted by ArtsFund shows COVID-19 losses could total $135M in 2020 for arts, cultural and scientific non-profits. Data gathered from our Relief Fund grant applicants show revenue losses for artists and cultural workers at over $11M. Artist Trust’s survey efforts further illustrate the impact on artists and the assistance they need.
“We are grateful that our elected officials understand and support the value of culture to King County’s economy and community. Thanks to this partnership, the Cultural Relief Fund will continue and deadlines have been extended for new applicants.”
Cultural Relief Fund – For Individuals
- If you have applied between April 1st and May 15th and not yet been funded, your application has not been rejected and will still be considered. You do not need to take any action at this time.
- If you have applied and not been funded and your situation has significantly changed or you would like to apply to the other Cultural Relief Fund, contact a staff member to withdraw your application and submit a new one by Monday, June 15 at 5 p.m.
- If you would like to submit an application for the first time, please start with reading the program guidelines. You can start your application through our grant portal and submit it by Monday, June 15 at 5 p.m.
- Unfortunately, need far outweighs the funds available. Our goal is to provide relief to as many creative workers as possible. Decisions are based on selection criteria.
Full Guidelines for Individuals
Cultural Relief Fund – For Organizations
- If you have applied and have already been funded, you do not need to do anything.
- If you have applied and not been funded, your application will remain in the pool for consideration; you do not need to do anything.
- If you have applied and not been funded and your situation has significantly changed, you can submit a new application between Saturday, May 16 and Friday, June 5 at 5 p.m.
- If you would like to submit an application for the first time, please start with reading the program guidelines. You can start your application through our grant portal and submit it by Friday, June 5 at 5 p.m.
Full Guidelines for Organizations
Up Next
We are committed to doing everything we can to respond to your needs, and the $2 million from King County will significantly increase the impact and reach of our efforts. This summer, we will open the next phase of response funding, with a focus on supporting your needs as you work to reopen and restart your cultural activities. More details to come soon.