BAT Theatre – which recently turned 41-years-old, is “looking ahead to its mid-life crisis, and thought it was time to go back to the basics.”
No, it won’t be buying a brand new red Tesla Roadster. Instead BAT’s Board of Trustees joined together recently to revamp the nonprofit’s Mission, Vision, and Value statements.
“That may sound easy, but it is a lot of work,” Creative Director Eric Dickman said. “After input from the public in January, help from a consultant, and 14 drafts, BAT’s new guiding principles were recently adopted.”
“These tell the world who BAT is, the direction we plan to go, and what guides BAT on that journey. Wherever BAT finds a new home, BAT will bring this energy to make that home an extraordinary place for all.
“BAT is very pleased to share BAT’s new Mission, Vision, and Values with you!”
We welcome and embrace our shared humanity through live theater. We question norms and thrive because of our diversity and energetic commitment to excellence.
Looking into our future, we see…
- BAT brings people together to explore hopes, dreams, and experiences to build understanding.
- BAT intentionally reaches out to the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities, those with disabilities, and those with limited incomes.
- BAT provides a welcoming home for actors, playwrights, and production staff – inviting creativity, risk-taking, and challenging ideas.
- BAT reaches out to diverse communities, creating opportunities to connect indoors, outdoors, and online.
- BAT is mindful to advance the arts by partnering with students and educators in our communities.
- BAT’s performing space is multi-purpose – a creative and exciting gathering place for all.
- BAT is financially secure, fairly compensates staff, manages its facilities and productions, and maintains professional business operations.
- BAT continues its history of audience growth and is a sustainable organization.
- Use respect for all as our guiding principle in everything we do
- Advance diversity, inclusivity, and equity
- Partner with diverse arts organizations, businesses, and educational programs
- Create and support sustainable growth for the theater and our communities
- Inspire and nurture artists
- Be forward-thinking – boldly challenging tradition
- Embrace resourcefulness, adaptability, and innovation in the pursuit of success