A group of Girl Scout Brownies from Troop # 42632 – located right here in Burien – have been spending the summer earning their ‘Wonders of Water Journey’ Badges. The girls are learning about the importance of water and how every living being needs it to survive. They learned that water is not plentiful or clean everywhere, like it is here, and that 3 out of 4 parts of the Earth are covered with water, but just 3% of that water is fresh, drinkable water. Their message is to share what they have learned and reach out to their neighborhood and share some simple tricks they’ve learned to help conserve water:
- Be quick with the faucet! Taking a bath =36 gallons of water, a 5 minute shower=25 gallons, handwashing dishes= 20 gallons and brushing your teeth= 2 gallons
- Stop using plastic water bottles! It takes 3 gallons of water to make the plastic for every gallon of water that gets bottled
- Grow water- smart plants! Grow plants that live naturally instead of water- hungry plants
- Stop that leak! If a toilet is leaking it could waste up to 25 gallons of water everyday! Our local Water District gives FREE toilet leak testers simply by calling and asking for one!