By Jack Mayne
Food trucks remain approved but on delay until Burien gets closer to normal activity following the pandemic.
In a long but quiet study session meeting Monday (April 26, 2021) night, the Burien City Council decided to continue the March-passed resolution authorizing a pilot program for food trucks, originally slated to take effect April 19.
‘Food deserts’
Then Council members postponed the program until Burien’s in-door restaurants were operating at full occupancy.
At Monday night’s study session, Councilmember Cydney Moore opposed the implementation delay and noted there were areas of the city that are “food deserts” that food trucks could help eliminate.
“I don’t see any justification for hindering economic growth by prohibiting food trucks in our city.” She said she wishes the Council would “hold fast to our original decision to move forward with this.”
Since the effective date of the original resolution was before the next meeting, Council needed to postpone the the program before the next regular Council session.
Deputy Mayor Krystal Marx wanted the postponement of the implementation date “in the downtown core of Burien, except for in front of any brewery until the restaurants are allowed to operate at full capacity.”