On the agenda for Monday night’s (April 5, 2021) regular Burien City Council meeting: the proposed Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) Housing Demonstration Project, response to concerns over Food Trucks, new advisory board members, compostables ordinance, Boulevard Park stormwater study, and more.
The online/virtual meeting will begin at 7 p.m., and can be viewed on cable TV channel 21, online here and via Zoom here.
Download the agenda packet here (PDF file).
Here are highlights from the agenda:
- Sexual Assault Awareness Month Proclamation – April 2021 (Proclamation accepted by King County CSEC Task Force Chair Judge Regina Cahan and KCSARC Volunteer Rebecca Drew)
- Proclamation Against Anti-Asian Bias and Hate Crimes (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)
- Recology Presentation (Maiya Andrews, Public Works Director) Recology Presentation
- Introduction of New Staff: Zach Wenman, PaRCS Recreation Coordinator b)
- COVID-19 Update (Fire Chief Mike Marrs)
- Adoption of Ordinance No. 765 Modifying BMC 8.57.030, Noncompostable Food Service Product Prohibition (Chris Craig, Economic Development Manager and Maiya Andrews, Public Works Director)
- Appoint Applicants to the Burien Airport Committee (5), Business and Economic Development Partnership (5), Humans Services Commission (2), and Planning Commission (1) (Megan Gregor, City Clerk)
- Introduction to Resolution No. 457, Accepting the Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) Housing Demonstration Project (David Johanson, Senior Planner and Susan McLain, Community Development Director)
- Funding Plan for Boulevard Park Stormwater Study (Maiya Andrews, Public Works Director)
- Outreach to Businesses that Signed on to the Letter: ‘Empresarios Unidos and Restaurants of Burien Challenge the Food Truck Pilot Program’ (Chris Craig, Economic Development Manager)
- Introduction to Resolution No. 455, Approving the Change of Control of a Franchise (Maiya Andrews, Public Works Director)
- City Council Planning Calendar (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)