Burien Mayor Kevin Schilling this week announced his candidacy for the Washington State House of Representatives, seeking to represent the 33rd Legislative District in Position 1.

The district includes Burien, Normandy Park, Des Moines, SeaTac, and much of Kent, and is currently represented by Edwin Obras (House, Position 1), and Mia Gregerson (House, Position 2). Tina Orwall formerly served in the House, and was appointed to the Senate after Karen Keiser retired last year. Obras was appointed to replace Orwall in Position 1.

Both positions will be on the ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2025, with Schilling running for Obras’ Position 1 seat.

Schilling, a lifelong resident of South King County, was born in Des Moines and raised in Burien. He emphasized his deep connection to the community and highlighted his track record in local government.

“​I’m proud of what we’ve done to get more people off the streets and into shelters or transitional housing,” Schilling said in a statement. “We set up co-responder programs to connect people with services and to improve equity in policing. And we did all of that while balancing the budget and growing our economy.”

Schilling said his campaign will focus on addressing pressing challenges, such as mental health, addiction treatment, and affordable housing. He called on state lawmakers in Olympia to provide increased support for these critical needs.

Raised in a union household, Schilling’s father and grandfather worked for Boeing and he’s a 4th generation Washington resident. He identifies as bisexual, is on the policy board of the LGBTQ+-oriented Greater Seattle Business Association, and attends Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Burien.

More info available at Schilling’s website.

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  1. I think people on both sides of the aisle will agree that Kevin’s track record in Burien doesn’t warrant a move to the next level.

    1. I disagree with your assessment because Kevin has effectively returned order and professionalism to the Council as Mayor, it’s all business and forward progress without the issues like the past. He in fact has helped solve many problems facing Burien unlike the past activists on the Council or others who only perpetuate problems and condone uncivilized behavior on behalf of outside interests.

  2. As a lifelong Democrat, I am deeply disappointed by Kevin Schilling’s announcement that he is running for the State House of Representatives. His actions as Mayor of Burien have shown a disregard for the needs of our community, particularly regarding the unhoused, and an abuse of power. Residents have described him as incompetent, heartless, and someone who is not prioritizing the best interests of the city. He has been called an embarrassment by many in the community.

    Furthermore, we, the citizens of Burien, have issued a vote of no confidence in Kevin Schilling and his leadership of our city, signed by more than 150 residents. Clearly, someone with such a record of mismanagement, lack of compassion, and widespread disapproval is unfit to represent our area in Olympia.

    We can do so much better.


    1. JJ – I’m sure even the radical activist group you associate with is backing away from your recent letters and comments which are an embarrassing demonstration of vitriol from a sore loser.

      Kevin leads with intelligence, compassion, and toughness. There is no one better from this area to represent the majority of our residents. The 150 radical left activists who are demeaning him do so because of his effectiveness and pragmatism leading to solutions that actually work. And you obviously do not represent the majority of Burien voters as you continue to lose election after election, where Kevin wins with huge margins.

      Go Kevin! The majority will continue to support you.

    2. Kevin can do as he pleases and reach for the stars if he deems so… what Kevin is not doing is the path of destruction that you are, like repetitively speaking out in the exact same one-sided manner but not changing anything about yourself for the better after having so many disregard your point of views (the majority of Burien citizens).

      I don’t see any cognitive growth in your speech for change but rather just finger pointing, especially for those in authority positions over you. It seems highly personal and feels like you might not survive if things don’t go your way. So, instead you focus on attacking and blaming someone else and finding fault with everything that person does, even though it may be quite minor or non-existent compared to the high-conflict behavior that you’re showing.

      In contrast to your blame of others, you see no fault in yourself and free yourself from the responsibility of the problem. I hope you see that there are so many different ways to posture yourself for success and change but that will always include balance inside the entire spectrum you’re debating/advocating for

      I hope we all can better our lives, not for ourselves, but for the better everyone. I wish Kevin luck in his endeavors, even if I agree or disagree with him. He has shown balance in his governing

  3. So happy for Washington. If Kevin can lead in the state house like he has on Burien City Council, we’ll have a hard working successful Democrat that can compromise to pass legislation that’s sane and works. And having Charles Schaeffer oppose you is an endorsement from Sanity.

  4. There are approximately 52,000 people in Burien and you think that the views of 150 people who align with your overblown opinions matter? Kevin’s actions by prioritizing help thru available shelter and services has done far more than any activists like yourself who only perpetuate the misery. Your negitive views of Burien governance are well known and regularly show disregard for all the City employees and those elected to serve, complaining is a unfortunate trait.

      1. With the departure of Ted Boe the City of Burien has continued to function along with the KC Sheriff detachment in support of it. Your gripe with the City is becoming more and more irrelevant as time passes, the obvious fact things have improved seems to be lost on you. Reality awaits those who choose to accept it rather than live a life burdened by the past.

  5. I was at Three Tree Point when the photo on the upper-right corner of his website was taken. I was standing with my dog, waiting for my friends who were inside ordering. Mayor Schilling just started rearranging furniture, making it clear my pup and I weren’t welcome in his space for his photo-op. He and his photographer did not acknowledge me at all. It would have been so easy to say, “Hi, I’m your mayor, and I would love to get a photo here for an upcoming announcement. Would you mind if I used this space for a sec?” No, just passively bullied me out of the way, then when he was done, said his to his iphone photographer, “Ok, let’s go, we have other places to be.”

    What’s funny is that it’s not the first time it’s happened, particularly at 3TP. He uses it as a prop and nothing more. Maybe my anecdotal experience seems trite, but I think his lack of regard for the people he works for, the lack of general display of humanity and decorum in general, says to me that he’s not someone I want representing me at a higher level. It doesn’t hurt to be polite to your constituents.

  6. So did you plan on sitting there or were you just lurking outside? It’s first come first serve and if you want or need something It’s on you to indicate so.

    1. I wasn’t “lurking.” There was a group of 5 of us; I was waiting with the dog outside while they placed the order. My dog and I were the only ones on the patio, about 18 inches from the counter that the mayor used for his photo. There was literally no getting to the counter without squeezing by me; he had to step over my dog to move a stool out of the way.

      I would have gladly moved, but he never acknowledged my presence at all.

      Once I figured out what he was doing, I moved so that I wouldn’t actually wind up in his shots, although in hindsight it would have been way better to ruin them by flipping the bird instead.

      Anyway, the point is, it was a really rude thing to do, mayor or not, running for office or not. I would have been irritated if anyone would have done that, but most people aren’t asking for my vote.

  7. Not impressed, went to Burien library Saturday 01-11-25 for WABI walk (strength in numbers) and was overwhelmed by POOR homeless, afraid to park car, mayor this kevin.

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