The Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order remains in effect through May 4, and carefully abiding by it is critical to stopping the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
While Burien is not yet closing its parks, the city is asking residents to try to follow the order and only go out for essential activities.
Here’s an update the city released on Friday, April 10, 2020:
Burien’s frontline medical workers, vulnerable residents, and displaced workers need you to stay home. Nice weather makes it tempting to go somewhere or do something, but now is not the time.
The statewide order requires us to stick very close to home—your yard and your neighborhood. Help slow the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.
All Burien residents need to follow the Governor’s order and stay home, unless you are:
- Pursuing an essential activity, like shopping for groceries or going to a medical appointment.
- Getting takeout food. (Food deliveries are also permitted).
- Going to work at an essential business.
- Going outside for walks and exercise in your neighborhood, as long as social distancing of six feet is maintained.
We urge everyone, even people who are young and healthy, to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you must go out, stay at least six feet apart from others. This includes in our parks and at the beach. Staying home and avoiding all non-essential contact with others is the best way to stay healthy, keep others healthy, and prevent the new coronavirus from spreading rapidly and overwhelming our health care system.
The virus that causes COVID-19 is highly contagious, and each face-to-face interaction is an opportunity for it to spread.
Follow these tips to enjoy outside safely
- Enjoy parks close to home: While it is important for all of us to get outside for exercise, enjoy the parks close to your home.
- Use physical distancing: The most effective tool we have to slow the spread of COVID-19 is to physically distance ourselves from others. Keep at least six feet of distance between you and others.
- Do not access off-limits equipment or areas: The City of Burien has CLOSED all playgrounds, basketball, and tennis courts. It may be tempting to jump a fence or ignore a “closed” sign. Please, don’t. Physical distancing only works if all of us participate. You can set a good example and help save lives by following the rules and encouraging the same of others.
- Do not congregate in parks: This means no pick-up games, picnics, BBQs, or parties. This is not the time for beach parties.
- Six feet for activities: Hiking, biking, and walking are all great ways to enjoy parks right now, just remember to keep six feet between you and your fellow residents.