Can’t attend ‘Paint and Sip’ at The Heart Gallery this Friday, June 2, 2023? Here’s how you can still help the St. Anne Hospital Foundation:
You still have time to make an impact to our mission! Support low income patients who are battling cancer, provide a car seat for low-income families in need with a newborn, or donate to the St. Anne Cares program which supports our local healthcare workers at St. Anne Hospital, by visiting:
Spread the word and share the flyer with your neighbors and friends! Thank you in advance for your generosity to support our mission❤Only a few seats left!
Thinking of joining us at Paint and Sip? We have only a few seats left! Invite your spouse and/or friends for a fun evening to paint, socialize, and enjoy light bites and drinks all while supporting St. Anne Hospital Foundation this Friday, June 2, 2023 at The Heart Gallery in Burien at 5:30 p.m.!
Please visit this link to buy your tickets today:
EDITOR’S NOTE: Since South King Media’s creation in 2007, we have provided tens of thousands of dollars worth of FREE promotional and marketing services to local nonprofits and organizations. If you’re part of a nonprofit and have a fundraiser event or other news, please email details to Thanks!