The City of Burien is re-imagining the long-term future of our city through a coordinated planning effort called “Shape Your City,” and they’re holding an Open House on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023.

Over the last two years, the Burien community has shared their priorities and helped develop a shared vision and high-level priorities. Earlier this year, the Shape Your City initiative team worked with members of the community to expand this vision to build more specific strategies and solutions for the community to evaluate.

The community is invited to attend the Shape Your City Open House to provide feedback on the concepts and drafts for the following planning efforts:

The open house event is on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023, from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Burien Library. Join us for food and collaborative activities for both youth and adults. Interpretation will be available in Spanish, Vietnamese, Oromo, and Amharic.

This will also be an opportunity to meet the Burien Community Connectors, who will be there to help community members who speak Spanish, Vietnamese, Amharic, or Oromo participate in the event. Here’s why they believe it’s important for people to participate in this open house:

“Vietnamese families have been going to Burien to work, shop, eat, go to school, go to the gym, worship, and visit their loved ones. Some live here. Their hopes, dreams, and wishes for Burien in 2044 matter.” 

~ Trịnh Thu Hiền (Elly Trinh) 

“The Ethiopian community has been leading a high quality of life in the city of Burien, fulfilling daily life through walking, running, and biking to the jobs they love, to school, and back home to friends and family. In Burien, we have opportunities to build community at restaurants, churches, cultural events, and informal gatherings like the Open House, where residents show they really care about their community. This type of event makes a difference for everyone who lives in Burien because this is a place where culture flourishes and opportunities can grow, and work-life balance can be achieved. We are happy to be contributing to the Shape Your City effort, and we will be at the Open House on December 6 to help Ethiopian community members who speak, Amharic, Tigrigna, and Oromo participate in the event.”

~ Alem (Biyyaf) Negeri and Mesti Kassa

Can’t make it to the open house on December 6? Track updates and find more ways to get involved on the City of Burien’s Community Hub.

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