Did you know that you can earn BATcoins by participating in Burien Actors Theatre’s new ‘Whitmore Selfie Challenge’?
During the run of Church & State – which opens this Friday, April 27 – BAT challenges everyone to take a Selfie with Senator Whitmore. Post your Selfie on Facebook saying you attended Church & State and tag Burien Actors Theatre (@burienactorstheatre) and you might win.
Every week through May 20, BAT will choose the selfie it likes the best and the person posting it will receive a BATcoin worth $5.00 at the best places in Burien.
BATcoins are both new and rare (read more here), but you don’t have to datamine in your basement to earn them. However, you do have to attend a performance at BAT (that’s only a good thing) and fill out an audience questionnaire. Then it is up to the theater fates – at every performance, BAT will give away two BATcoins to the lucky winner of a drawing from the BAT questionnaires filled out at that performance. – BATcoin is also available for gift giving from BAT. BAT sells four BATcoins for $20.00.
Be the first on your block to get one, and then spend one – take the Whitmore Selfie Challenge!
Read our previous coverage of Church and State here, and see how you can save $5 Off tickets with our exclusive Coupon.
And don’t forget – Church and State opens this FRIDAY, April 27 – get your tickets HERE: