The Exchange Club of Burien is gearing up to “wipe out” shortages with their annual Toilet Paper Drive this weekend, and they’re seeking your help.

The local service club is holding two drives this Saturday and Sunday, aiming to collect much-needed toilet paper for local food banks, as state assistance programs do not cover paper products.

For the past 14 years the Exchange Club of Highline has been helping area food banks with its Toilet Paper Drive.

The drive will be held at two locations:

  • Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 at Normandy Park QFC, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024 at Burien Fred Meyer, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Community members are encouraged to show up and contribute either toilet paper or monetary donations to assist families in need.

“We welcome your contribution of toilet paper or money. You can make a difference in our community. Thank you!” 

Donations are also accepted year-round, and are especially needed for the upcoming holiday season through the Exchange Club of Highline’s website, or scan this QR code:

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