Create excitement, sparkle & joy this holiday season with personalized letters for your loved ones – right from Santa!
The best part? Letters are just $5.00 each, and monies raised will benefit local animals at Burien C.A.R.E.S.
The deadline to order is Dec. 31, 2019.
Order here:
Here’s more from Burien C.A.R.E.S.:
Santa provides this great opportunity to communicate with your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, spouse, or friend. Share the excitement and joy of opening a personalized letter from Santa from the North Pole, with a golden foil seal.
Let Santa tell your son he’s been a good boy, but needs to clean his room more. Or, compliment a behavior change, good grades or activity in sports.
Send a letter to a friend to tell them they have been naughty and they need to call you more! Tell your spouse they should take you out to dinner more!
Create excitement and joy that will last for years and become the family discussion of the season.
Be part of the magic this holiday season with a specialized letter from Santa! Complete the form with as much information as possible and Santa will create a personalized letter for everyone to enjoy!
Please note: If ordering more than one letter, please purchase them one at a time so that Santa knows who to write back to 🙂