On the agenda for Monday night’s (April 27) virtual Burien City Council Study Session: Business License Code Updates and Resolution to Update the Fee Schedule, a discussion on the future of the Burien Community Center Annex, as well as the Paycheck Guarantee Act.
Download the full agenda packet here (PDF file).
The virtual meeting will begin at 7 p.m., and there are three ways to watch it:
- Watch it on Comcast TV channel 21.
- Watch it online here: https://burien.vod.castus.tv/vod/?nav=live
- Or via Zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/933261366?pwd=Qk02Njkva0U4TWRoci95TlhRTnBrdz09
How to Provide Public Comment
There are three ways to provide public comment:
- Email (preferred): You can provide a public comment in advance by sending an email to cityclerk@burienwa.gov. The City Clerk will read your comment aloud for up to two minutes per email comment during the meeting. Please put your name in the body of the email. Providing your city of residency is optional. Emails must be sent by 5 p.m. on the day of the council meeting.
- Text: Send a text to cityclerk@burienwa.gov (simply enter the email address in the “To:” line of the text) and the City Clerk will read your comment aloud for up to two minutes per text comment during the meeting. Please state your name in the body of the text. Providing your city of residency is optional. Texts must be sent by 5 p.m. on the day of the council meeting.
- Online (Zoom): If you are unable to provide public comment via email or text, and would still like to provide public comment during the meeting, you will need to login to the Zoom meeting that begins at approximately 7 p.m. Please read the instructions for participation before logging in.
Access live broadcast and provide public comment: ow.ly/n5Pb50znWN3
Here’s the agenda:
- Adopt Ordinance Related to Business License Code Updates and Resolution to Update the Fee Schedule (Cathy Schrock, Administrative Services Director)
- Discussion of the Community Center Annex Building (Carolyn Hope, PaRCS Director)
- Review of the Council Planning Calendar (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager) Review
- Assessing Support for Potential Legislation – Paycheck Guarantee Act (Brian J. Wilson, City Manager)