The Burien City Council will hold its next regular meeting this coming Monday night, July 17, starting at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
This meeting will likely mark the first public appearance of new City Manager Brian Wilson, who has been on the job since July 10.
Here’s what’s on the agenda (download PDF here):
a. Discussion of and Potential Action to Approve Proposed Resolution 393 Regarding an Amendment to the Employee Medical Benefit Package.
b. Presentation and Potential Approval of the Lake Burien School Memorial Park Site Plan.
c. Update on Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan.
d. Update on Economic Development.
e. Review of Council Proposed Agenda Schedule.
a. Follow-Up on 4th of July Fireworks. The Burien Police Department will provide a report at the meeting.
b. Potential Special Meeting for the Purpose of Considering a Resolution Regarding the Initiative Petition to Repeal Burien’s “Sanctuary City†Ordinance 651. The City Attorney will provide a report at the meeting.
Burien politicians were elected to work for American citizens who voted them Into office .
Ours have chosen to be Anti- American and work for foreign lawbreakers who are protected by those very politicians who are supposed to be working and protecting American citizens .
They have put our city and its people in danger . We need to make a city law where any politician giving foreign illegals special rights while harboring criminals in our city shall be removed from office .
our legal citizens are not given special rights . If we speed we are punished. We must follow our laws or face punishment or fines .
Burien has many fine Mexicans who became legal or American citizens . They took the time to do what it took . It is an insult to these honest people to do the right thing, but our city chose to pamper foreign criminal law breakers who bring crime and violence .
We need to replace our ignorant politicians who made us a Sanctuary City with people with integrity who work for its legal citizens .
Let’s take back Burien
I support our city council for taking the right stand on being a “sanctuary city”.
It is not anti-American, unless you consider the statements on the Statue of Liberty anti-American.
It does nothing to harbor dangerous criminals in our city. Instead of bringing crime and violence, studies show that undocumented aliens have a lower crime rate than average Americans.
It does not put us in danger. It leads to more effective law enforcement. In fact, it simply gives support to the existing policies followed by the King County Sheriff (Burien P D) and is supported by the police.
Minor speeding (5 mph over), using illegal fireworks, and being an undocumented alien are comparable offenses. Two are pretty much ignored and for the third, we incarcerate without proper trial and send parts of families to different countries. That is unjust and anti-American.
Our Pledge of Allegiance ends without restrictions on “with liberty and justice for all.”
I read the agenda (PDF). It looks like the headline meeting is just a potential “what if” added at the end.
Let’s get this rsolution passed and become law-abiding, more safe citizens, and reduce our exposure to higher taxes.
No matter how you spin it. Illegal immigration is illegal immigration. Burien city council members are elected to uphold the Constitution and its laws – the ordinance is simply bypassing or outlawing federal law.
^^ Cowardly words from an anonymous poster. But, it sounds identical to what Debi Wagner would say.
Local law enforcement performing the duties of the federal government is illegal; that much is clear. Ordinance 651 is consistent with the US Constitution, which also guarantees the rights of citizens to those born on US soil.
So, what your solution be for an immigrant family with children born in Burien? They are citizens and you want to deport their parents. That is shameful and is a dangerous reality without 651. We need to keep the ordinance to provide piece of mind to families in our community.
An additional benefit that makes us all safer is that families in this scenario will cooperate with Burien PD regarding the types of crimes that we really care about– but only if we keep 651. Any candidate who campaigns on public safety and also wants to repeal 651 is irresponsible, unrealistic, and unworthy of our town.
What Mr. Hayden sees as an insult to me I take as a compliment. Cowardly to write anonymously and maybe so, but it wasn’t me. I use my own name and I am not afraid whatsoever to say I am a proud patriot in a nation of laws that I swore to uphold.
Why are Burien PD cars seen S bound on 167 daily? Cause they get the heck out of Burien after shift and don’t live in the community they serve.. And I totally get it!!..Neither would I..
Burien is in a great location and surely was something back in the day. But at present with all the great ideas and modern planning it still remains dangerous, run down in a lot of parts, over priced for what the area is truly like and a place where you want to avoid the educational system unless of course MRHS in DeMoines. If your locked into this community I get it and cant afford to get out then I guess you make the best of it. But if you value your mail, your property, your car then you don’t stay here.. Cause you will be a victim sooner or later. You could be hit by gunfire just walking on 1st Ave S or living alongside 509 where shots are heard nightly. The people who always say Burien crime is no more than any other place are in real denial. Ask a local Officer!!!! With all the great leadership that have come and gone do you think that they would have figured it out by now? Its actually worse IMHO. This is my opinion only.
Ahh yes why would a contracted king county officer live in another part of king county or on the border of king county. Just because there in a burien car does not mean there just serving burien.
Just because you work in burien does not mean you have to live in burien. Unless if your on city council or running for the city council. It makes a better image for selves if you know the community your trying to serve. But when you work for law enforcement that is contracted from the county you can end up in different parts of county at different times. Some people choose to commute.
Snowflake you seem to be one those people that over thinks everything on the news.You seem to think because 2 morons got in a road rage shoot out that your automatically now going to get shot walking down the road. Well lets see if you face the facts how often does this actively happen oh first double shoot out road rage in burien.