This Friday, Jan. 11, a brand new, two-lane off-ramp will open up from eastbound SR 518 to Des Moines Memorial Drive in Burien. [embed][/embed] WSDOT says that for years, travelers could only access Des Moines Memorial Drive through city streets and a westbound SR 518 off-ramp. Drivers headed eastbound on SR 518 had to exit the highway and use local streets to access Des Moines Memorial Drive – streets that weren’t designed for the heavy vehicle and truck traffic. WSDOT adds:
“This new ramp will channel traffic away from those local streets and provide a more direct route for vehicles and trucks moving goods between the city of Burien’s Northeast Redevelopment Area (NERA), the Port of Seattle and the greater Puget Sound region. “This is one of the first Connecting Washington projects to be completed in western Washington. Connecting Washington is a 16-year, $16 billion program designed to enhance and maintain the state’s transportation system. Projects are scheduled through 2031.”]]>