The Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District (TPMPD) released an Aquatics Facility Feasibility Study Report from consultants Schemata Workshop, Inc. and Counsilman-Hunsaker on May 13, 2024, and they’re seeking public feedback.
The study’s purpose is to understand and evaluate options for improving aquatic programs, which include meeting the expanding demands for aquatics in Tukwila, and considerations for renovating or replacing the 50-year-old facility.
The study was initiated in April 2023 and has been completed with the aid of a $100,000 Parks Aquatic Facilities Program Grant awarded to the TPMPD from King County.
The consultant team performed an assessment of the existing pool facility, evaluated multiple sites, reviewed current aquatics programming, and participated in public outreach. This outreach included a community survey and three public workshops that focused on Market Analysis, Programming Options, and Conceptual Planning.
Informed by input received from the public and TPMPD stakeholders, the study includes options for remodeling the existing facility, expanding the existing facility, or demolishing it for a new facility on the existing site. It further outlines cost and potential funding models for the three options.
The study will guide the TPMPD to identify and analyze community needs, research options for long-term sustainable aquatic programs for the Tukwila Community, and address requirements for the aging facility.
TPMPD Seeking Public Feedback
The general public, interested parties, and stakeholders are invited to comment on the release of the report.
The report and a survey for public feedback are available online at the TPMPD website:
The TPMPD will host public meetings in the Fall of 2024 to receive public comments; times and locations will follow in subsequent media advertisements.
Written comments on the feasibility study report should be directed to:
Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District
Attn: Kristine Selleck, District Administrator
4414 S. 144th Street
Tukwila, WA 98168
Or by email to
The Tukwila Pool Metropolitan Park District is a Special Purpose District: a publicly owned government entity funded through property taxes by the residents and businesses within the district boundaries. The vision of the TPMPD: to contribute to the quality of life for our community, and for future generations, through welcoming, fun, safe and positive aquatic experiences at the Tukwila Pool.
For more information, please contact Kristine Selleck, District Administrator, at (206) 556-3055 or email
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