On Monday (Oct. 30), King County Executive Dow Constantine – along with numerous regional political leaders (and one lurker) – denounced the recent Respect Washington flier considered by many to be racist and/or hate mail. The flier was sent via direct mail to around 3,600 (or more) area residents by Respect Washington, and it included a map showing the names, addresses and alleged crimes committed by “undocumented immigrants” in Burien. This mailing has already been strongly denounced by King County Sheriff John Urquhart, Burien City Manager Brian Wilson and Highline Public Schools Superintendent Susan Enfield. To view the letter & map in question, click below:
Here’s an edited video of the event (originally broadcast live on our Facebook page), which includes additional interviews with activist Hugo Garcia and Councilmember Austin Bell (note the ‘lurker’ who enters and stands in the background at around the 3:00 mark and occasionally taunts Dow and company): Here’s a video by KING5 about the event: Here are some relevant Tweets:.@kcexec: “Let’s start here in @Burien to create an America of equity and opportunity.” #AllAreWelcomeHere 📹: @KingCountyTV pic.twitter.com/vTWGzg9LPE
— King County, WA (@KingCountyWA) October 31, 2017
Dozens gathered in Burien’s Town Square after fallout from a flier identifying alleged undocumented immigrants https://t.co/Rvom8r6Ffe
— Crosscut (@Crosscut) October 30, 2017
Proud to stand with you and so many others condemning fear and supporting Burien! #AllAreWelcomeHere @weareoneamerica @BurienRepresent https://t.co/jzebcpRuDN
— Joe McDermott (@JoeMcDermottWA) October 30, 2017
Read our extensive previous coverage of this controversial issue here. ]]>Local political, community leaders denounce #AntiImmigrant fliers in #Burien MORE >>> https://t.co/nkdS1hKCRn #Q13FOX pic.twitter.com/UNkTAW5tlS
— Steve Kiggins (@Q13FOXKiggins) October 31, 2017