Progress on the construction of the new Highline High School is going well, and the school district this week released new videos and photos.
And yes, that is the original terracotta from the old school’s historic front entrance, which was salvaged and re-installed by Pioneer Masonry.
“The new school continues on track to open this fall, thanks to crews working overtime and despite changes to work practices to respond to COVID-19,” the district said.
The opening of school is still on track for September 2021.
Downspout installation is in progress throughout the building.
The theater roofing is complete, and the ceiling is ready for painting.
Installation of concrete masonry blocks is 95% complete.
Cabinets are being installed.
Hollow metal door frame installation continues.
Carpet installation has begun in some areas.
Overhead electrical installation continues.
The gym and the auxilliary gym are nearly complete, except for flooring.
Painting and installing sheetrock continues throughout the building.
Interior handrails are 40% complete.
The kitchen and commons areas are 50% complete.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the substantial completion date and the project budget.
Go flying over Highline with Highline High teacher Jeb Binns and his drone:
View “Come Home to Highline” Information Night slideshow.
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Check out these January 2021 interior and exterior photos of the new gym, classrooms, commons, courtyards and more:
View of new HHS gym with yellow-gold ductwork, basketball hoop, piles of wood flooring and a historic Pirates center floor circle to be hung on the wall (January 14, 2021).View looking east into the west courtyard, with the commons linking the north and south wings of the new HHS (January 14, 2021).View of the southwest corner of the new HHS, from l. to r. are the north wing, south wing and the gym. (January 14, 2021)View of south courtyard with post for outdoor basketball hoop and outdoor seating (January 14, 2021).Looking north toward the main entrance down the commons, with the kitchen on the right and the south courtyard to the left (January 14, 2021).View of theater at HHS under construction (January 14, 2021).View of music rooms and theater in the foreground connected to the south wing on the left and the commons on the right (January 15, 2021).View looking west from the PAC roof (right to left) of the north wing, commons, theater and north wing (January 15, 2021).View of stairs leading up to the library on the second floor of the commons, adjacent to a “learning stair” where students can sit (January 14, 2021).View of library interior with skylights and natural wood ceiling (January 14, 2021).View of the second floor walkway of the commons (January 14, 2021).View of reception area off of north entrance (January 14, 2021).View of new HHS classroom with paint, whiteboards and carpet installed (January 14, 2021).View of science lab classroom with cabinets being installed (January 14, 2021).View of career & technical education classroom in northeast corner of north wing (December 8, 2020).View of northwest corner of the north wing of HHS, with the south wing on the right (January 14, 2021).View of reconstructed historic main entrance with original terracotta details (December 1, 2020).
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Home » Burien News » VIDEO/PHOTOS: Progress on new Highline High School in Burien is looking great