Why are Customers Singing the Praises of Sit’N Stay Pet Sitting?
When it comes to pets, most folks consider them like family. Unfortunately, most pet sitters don’t share that same dedication and connection.
Not so of Brittany and Barry, owner/operators of Sit’ N Stay Pet Sitting. A love and caring for all sorts of animals is their driving passion, and that’s what drives customers to rave about their service. Recently, we received yet another glowing endorsement from one of their clients who perfectly articulated so many reasons Sit ’N Stay Pet Sitting should be your first choice when looking for reliable pet care in the Burien Normandy Park area! Read on to learn more!
“Sit ‘n Stay Pet Sitting LLC. I wanted to take a moment to put down in writing what Sit ‘N Stay Pet Sitting Service means to me and my entire animal family. So very often I have come across companies that over promise and under deliver. They market fancy words that they cannot live up to; they use words like family and then treat customers like numbers. THIS IS NOT THE CASE with Sit ’N Stay. They have consistently, in each and every visit proved to over deliver on their promise to love my animals as their own.”
“Whether it is walks, daily check–ins, potty breaks, overnight stays, dispensing medications, drop offs, pickups even in the most difficult end of life care needs, I have personally experienced every single service offered,” Brittany said. “Sit ’N Stay has never missed or been late for an appointment and has always maintained a level of professionalism that is unparalleled, not only in the Animal Service industry but in any customer service orientated business I have dealt with. If you take anything away from this review it should be that they will love your animal as much as you do, and anyone with a pet knows there is no higher compliment that I can give. I would be more than happy to speak to anyone who would like to talk in more detail about my experience with Sit ‘N Stay.
“So in closing, when we look back we went looking for a dog walker and ended up with a new member of our family!”
Thank you SIT ‘N STAY:
Jef, Brooklyn, Francis, Barbara and Sweet Duke…George, Gary and Mickey too!
Sit ‘N Stay Pet Sitting LLC
“We sit, they stay, while you’re away at work or play!”
Phone: 206-370-0169
Email: contactsitnstaypets@gmail.com
Website: www.wesittheystay.com
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