Your Daily Dose of Natural Beauty, courtesy Advertiser Zenith Holland Nursery – caught on cam: Verdant Rufous Hummingbird in Action:
This amazing little guy is sipping nectar from a hanging basket filled with Torenia. Clearly the bright blossoms are irresistible to the industrious Rufous Hummingbird. This one appears to be a young female and is quite intent on her forage. To us the bright blooms are reminiscent of Bougainvillea, but the Torenia are quite different as they are annual flowering plants. They do well in containers and can be expected to bloom all the way into fall with proper care.
Torenia are also commonly known as Wishbone flowers, this is because they have two stamens in the center which are fused together resembling a wishbone. Interestingly, when a bee pollinates the flower they break the wishbone…hope they’ve made a good wish! Torenia can be used as garden plantings and ground covers, but most commonly you will see them as hanging plants, or in small containers or window boxes.
Successful plant care of Torenia includes placing them in part sun in well drained soil. They will need 1 inch of rain a week in the summer, which can be best delivered in a drip system to protect the foliage from mildew or other disease. They will also appreciate good air circulation and protection from direct hot sun. A light fertilizer should be applied about every two to three weeks. Maximum bloom all the way to fall requires periodic dead heading of the spent blooms. In general, Torenia are a not terribly hard to grow and are a great choice if you wish to attract hummingbirds to your garden.
We love the busy little birds and if you, like us, can’t get enough of watching their zipping moves, here’s a little more action for your viewing pleasure:
This “Daily Dose of Natural Beauty” is brought to you by Zenith Holland Nursery, thanking you and the South King County community for your continuing support.
As a designated “Essential Business” member of the Food and Agriculture sector, Zenith Holland Nursery is operating daily offering a broad selection of edibles including fruits and cool season vegetable starts that can be planted now. Owner/Operator Lyn Robinson and her husband are on site daily to assist customers with their horticultural needs, while other staff remain safely at home.
If you are one of the many folks who would like to seize your stay-at-home time to plant a Victory garden, Zenith Holland can help. They are a local resource for seeds, soil and fertilizer. While practicing social distancing measures on site, they can also answer questions or orders by phone.
Established in 1907, Zenith Holland Nursery is proud to be the oldest continually operating business in Des Moines. They specialize in growing and providing quality plants ranging from hardy perennials to culinary herbs, colorful annuals, sedums, ground covers and hanging baskets. The nursery sits on just over an acre of land with eleven greenhouses.
Zenith Holland is located just south of downtown Des Moines at 23260 Marine View Drive South (map below).
Their current hours are:
- Monday through Sunday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. so you can shop small, shop local, shop essential.
Zenith Holland Nursery
23260 Marine View Drive South
Des Moines, WA 98198Phone: (206) 878-7002
Website: https://www.zenithholland.com
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