Burien City Manager Adolfo Bailon has been recognized by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) as a Credentialed Manager Candidate, marking a significant milestone in his professional career.

Bailon is on track to earn the full ICMA Credentialed Manager designation in November, 2025.

He is among more than 1,500 local government management professionals who participate in ICMA’s Voluntary Credentialing Program, which emphasizes leadership, professional development, and a commitment to ethical standards.

To achieve the ICMA Credentialed Manager status, candidates must demonstrate substantial experience as senior management executives in local government, earn a degree in public administration or a related field, and adhere to high standards of integrity while committing to lifelong learning.

The ICMA defines 14 core practices essential for effective local government leadership. These practices focus on fostering professional integrity, community engagement, equity, and strategic management within local governments.

The ICMA Credentialing Program is based on its Practices for Effective Local Government Leadership, which provides a framework for managing resources and delivering services efficiently to communities, including:

  • Ethical Leadership: Commitment to integrity, transparency, and ICMA’s Code of Ethics.
  • Community Engagement: Inclusive participation, equity, and trust-building.
  • Strategic Planning & Leadership: Developing visions, aligning resources, and driving innovation.
  • Effective Service Delivery: Ensuring high-quality, data-driven, and equitable services.
  • Workforce & Financial Management: Building diverse, motivated teams and maintaining financial responsibility.
  • Technological Advancement: Embracing technology for innovation and efficiency.
  • Clear Communication: Transparent and effective internal and external communication.

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

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    1. Yes “that guy” and what’s this I hear??? I hear another song remake coming…any second now…

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