On Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016 at around 7 p.m., Burien Police officers used a new technique “Naloxone nasal-spray” to ‘reverse’ an opioid overdose in the 400 block of SW 152nd Street (map below).

Police responded to a location near Burien City Hall and found a man who was not breathing, with two passersby performing CPR on the victim.

A friend of the man’s told police that that he had overdosed on heroin. An officer administered Naloxone nasal-spray and the man quickly started breathing. Within minutes he was conscious and taken to the hospital.

The Burien Police Department recently issued officers a Naloxone nasal-spray to treat opioid overdose victims.

When someone overdoses on an opioid it can be difficult to wake the person and breathing may stop, leading to death. Naloxone spray, also referred to as Narcan, is F.D.A. approved and is known for its ability to quickly counter overdose effects.

Naloxone nasal-spray is sprayed into one nostril of an overdose victim and results are usually evident within two minutes.

Burien Police – who contract with the King County Sheriff’s Office – said this is the second overdose reversal using Naloxone in as many weeks.

On July 25, two King County Sheriff’s Bicycle patrol deputies successfully administered the spray to a man who had overdosed in downtown Seattle.


Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

6 replies on “Burien Police Officers use nasal-spray to 'reverse' opioid overdose near City Hall”

  1. If only we could actually try to stop people from overdosing to begin with. Alas, that’s beyond the power and purvue of the police

  2. Thank you Burien PD!
    ATTENTION Burien City Council: This is exactly why we need more police officers for our downtown core. To help those in need as well as to protect our businesses and citizens.

  3. Don’t be alarmed people, Lauren Bezerkoitz said there is no need for more police in Burien to provide such unfortunate services. And whose to say he didn’t choose to OD and check out of the madness right then and there in our tranquil safe downtown.

  4. You know what’s great about that entire complex, you can get a building permit, check out a book, read your email, take a bath in the sink, buy or sell the drug of your choice and then OD outside. It’s a one stop shop for efficiency, but if you want to have a face to face with L. Bezerkoitz you’re out of luck. It’s funny, be mainly responsible for what has become of the city due to your political beliefs, and then not even come downtown to do your elected job and see the outcome of your decisions. WOW !

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