On April 27, 2016, The Department of Ecology (Ecology) approved – with changes – the City of Burien’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP) limited amendment. The limited amendment proposes several changes to their existing shoreline program (read them here). In order for the Burien limited amendment to go into effect however, the City must respond to Ecology with a written notice agreeing to the changes. The effective date of the amendment will be 14 days after the date of Ecology’s final action. If the City does not agree with the changes or proposes alternative language, it may submit an alternative proposal for Ecology review. “During its formal review process, Ecology conducted a public comment period and determined that some changes are required for the SMP to be consistent with the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) and the SMP Guidelines (WAC 173-26),” the state said. To review Ecology’s documents related to the Burien limited amendment, please check Ecology’s website at: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/shorelines/smp/mycomments/BurienLimitedAmend.html On Ecology’s Website you will find the following documents:
- Director of Ecology’s April 27, 2016 letter
- Attachment A: Findings and Conclusions for Proposed Amendment
- Attachment B: Required Changes
- Attachment C: Recommended Changes