All are invited to come to Burien’s annual Tree Lighting event on Wednesday, Dec. 7, starting at 6 p.m. at Economy Wiring Company, located at 633 SW 148th Street.
The St. Francis choir will begin singing at 6 p.m., followed by Santa’s arrival on a Fire Truck handing out candy canes to everyone, then follow Santa into the store for some hot cocoa and cookies.
Please bring a non-perishable food item or a gift for a child for donation to the Community Outreach Program.
This tradition has illuminated the Burien skyline for a long time now, since Economy Wiring Company Founder Gwin Smith started it in 1966. Over the years his small celebration has grown to include the St. Francis Choir and the King County Station #2 Burien/Normandy Park Fire Department.
In the first eight years of the tree lighting, Gwin climbed the huge fir tree himself to install the lights and then climbed back up in January to take them down. This changed some years ago, when the fire department took responsibility for installing and removing the lights.
Come out and enjoy the evening!
Economy Wiring Company
633 SW 148th Street
Burien, WA
Phone: 206-244-7542