The City of Burien has published the first draft of its 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), and they’re seeking public review and comment.
The city said that these documents are the result of over a year of working with the community to establish and articulate a vision for the future of Burien over the next 20 years (hence the “2044” moniker).
These two draft documents are available for review and comment from Jan. 10-March 11, 2024.
“This is an opportunity for interested parties to share their thoughts on the project before recommendations are made by the Planning Commission, and the City Council considers the document and makes their final decision,” officials said.
Download the Draft Comprehensive Plan Here
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) identifies impacts of growth alternatives
The EIS process is required under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) for actions that are determined to potentially have a significant environmental impact. The Draft EIS identifies environmental impacts that are likely to occur with growth alternatives proposed in the Draft Comprehensive Plan and identifies ways to mitigate those impacts.
Comments are due by 5 p.m., March 11, 2024.
All written comments should be directed to Alex Hunt, Senior Planner at
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About Shape Your City
The City of Burien is re-imagining the long-term future of our city through a coordinated planning effort combining major updates to the Comprehensive Plan, a new Transportation Master Plan, and an update to the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan.