By Scott Schaefer
Michael Brunk is one of the most impressive, creative and talented media professionals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and working with. As we celebrate our 10th blog-iverssary, it is incumbent upon me to recognize the fact that if it were not for the generosity and talent of my esteemed colleague with the big lens and a gift for coding, South King Media would not be what it is. In fact, it most likely would not exist.
Blog readers might not recognize him if he walked past them at the grocery store, but they do know him from hundreds of his amazing photos that have graced the pages of our six South King Media websites over the past ten years.
And while most may know him as an amazing Photographer who has generously taught classes as a volunteer at the Burien Community Center, shot numerous theatrical productions and art events (check out his work at, we have the privilege to also know him as an incredible technical expert (aka our tech/code “god”). He has single-handedly built our websites from scratch using his vast expertise in WordPress, html, css, coding, servers, and much, much more, and our blogs wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.
Let me repeat that – our blogs would not be here if it wasn’t for Michael Brunk.
It would take way more than the constraints of this post to do Michael’s contributions and talents even a modicum of justice. Coding expert. WordPress expert. Basically anything that makes things work expert.
He has attended and shot dozens and dozens of events for us, most recently the 2017 Dia de los Muertos celebration.
He has an eye for shooting the most majestic, perfectly timed and framed photo. We call it, simply, “Brunksmanship“.
Michael Brunk is an amazing man, highly intelligent with a “keen sense of keenness in the quiet” as a friend of mine once described him. He is a “tenderfoot in the corner” as he shoots, performing his photographic genius.
This is deliberate on his part, because he knows never to “interject himself into the scene” as he shoots, or to distract his camera’s subjects for even a second.
In that mode he was at our 10th birthday bash on Monday night. So here – where I can’t screw up like I did then – I’d like to pay homage to his unique talents and graces.
Please enjoy this video, which showcases just some of Michael’s amazing contributions and talents – aka “Brunksmanship“!
If you enjoy the Blog, please join us in thanking the man who makes it work!
Thank You Michael Brunk!