Community Salmon Investigation (CSI) for Highline results are in!! Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled evening and learn about the status of salmon in your watershed:
WHEN: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 | 6 – 7:00 pm WHERE: Burien Community Center, Lakewood Room, 14700 6th Avenue SW, Burien– and –
WHEN: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 | 6 – 7:00 pm WHERE: Normandy Park Community Club (The Cove), 1500 SW Shorebrook Drive, Normandy ParkLight refreshments will be provided at both events. Learn about:
- Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
- The Community Salmon Investigation driven by local community scientists
- Long-term trends in coho and chum salmon returns
- Factors affecting salmon and stream health, including polluted runoff
- Pre-spawn mortality and its impact on local salmon
- How you can contribute to improving watershed health
- Volunteering to count salmon this fall
- Web search key words “CSI Highline†or
- Contact Matt Goehring, Miller/Walker Basin Steward,, (206) 263-6826