Discover Burien is set to initiate a two-year pilot program aimed at enhancing maintenance and clean-up efforts in the Downtown Commercial area, and they’re seeking public feedback.

The program will include activities such as weed pulling, trimming, pruning, painting, power washing, and additional trash clean-up.

As part of this initiative, Discover Burien is seeking public feedback to gauge the effectiveness of these efforts. Community members are being asked to complete a brief survey three times throughout the year (link below). This feedback will help document the program’s starting point and track its progress, ensuring continuous improvement.

“As part of this initiative, we want to hear from the community on ‘how we’re doing,'” organizers said. “It will be important for us to collect feedback to not only ensure we are enhancing the cleanliness and maintenance of our Downtown, but to measure the success of the overall program.”

“Please keep in mind, this is the FIRST survey of the program and prior to any work beginning and will allow us to improve moving forward.”

Residents and businesses in the Downtown Commercial area are encouraged to participate in the survey to help shape the future of Burien’s downtown environment – click below to take it:

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

8 replies on “Discover Burien launches two-year pilot program for Downtown maintenance, seeks public feedback”

  1. I have nothing but respect for the Discover Burien crews that work to keep the streets clean, my own special needs sister was given opportunities like that to do meaningful work in society. What I have an issue with is the fifth left by the squatters everywhere, it’s not fair to those workers to deal with that daily mess because of others laziness and lack of respect. There’s an old saying ” don’t poop in your own nest” that seems to not apply to that segment of society, but we ask others to clean it up sadly.

  2. Start by cleaning up the homeless, than the little wanna be gangsters, the garbage around the freeway entrances and exits, it’s starting to look like L.A. clean the graffiti, I guess if the PD does their job with the wanna bes there wouldn’t be graffiti. We’ll is they just DID their jobs.

  3. Great idea. I work for Navos in Burien as a vocational specialist. I have several people needing jobs. This would be perfect for them.

  4. Shopkeepers could play a wider role in keeping their areas clean and accessible. In some parts of the world, shopkeepers clean their areas every morning before businesses open. Why can’t we do that?

    Then there’s the question of whether Discover Burien pays its people at least the state minimum wage since they are posting signs intended to discourage signature gathering on petitions for a higher minimum wage for Burien.

    1. Why should shopkeepers be burdened with cleaning up after homeless squatters who could care less about Burien and it’s appearance? Why do businesses have to continually struggle with crime, graffiti and trash when the transients that do it aren’t held accountable? You’re putting the cart before the horse and not supporting Burien and the tax paying contributors that fund it.

  5. I would ask that the “downtown” area of Burien be defined. My business is on 148th street next to the Homeless camp and the King County Sheriff. We have no help in picking up the litter or the feces that is on our property, we have to do it. Maybe this new program can help us too????????

  6. The streets of Burien are not clean! It is an embarrassment to me each and everyday on my walks. The only streets the city cares about are around the city center. The neighborhood West of Ambaum is litter and homeless free. It’s as if time stood still over there. It’s beautiful….if Lacey can solve it’s issues why can’t Burien. I grew up here and completely embarrassed of this town. Burien…do better!

  7. Could discover Burien also find a way to track any human feces found’s DNA to charge the person for pooping in public. If they are homeless then they have to clean up other reported feces piles and trash for two years at 12 hours a day as a fine or punishment for there behavior also write a ten paged letter apologizing to the public and the property owner .

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