Burien’s Environmental Science Center (ESC) is inviting teachers of 3rd – 8th grade classes to register for the Water Education Workshop, being held Thursday, July 10, from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Tukwila Community Center.
Participants will learn how to incorporate environmental education into their existing curricula and receive the new Project WET 2.0 curriculum guide filled with hundreds of great lessons. Teachers will gain valuable insights into the Next Generation Science Standards to teach environmental education and learn first-hand the value of natural resource conservation education in the classroom.
The workshop fee is $10 (includes lunch) and each teacher will receive 6 free clock hours. The first 10 teachers to register will receive a free Salmon Heroes program for his/her classroom! Space is limited, please register by Thursday, July 3rd, 2014.
Thanks to our sponsors: The Russell Family Foundation, Washington Fund for the Environment, and Horizons Foundation.
Please REGISTER by emailing workshops@envsciencecenter.org or call 206.849.8252.
For more information about the Environmental Science Center visit www.envsciencecenter.org.]]>