The short-film “Highline” premiered on Thursday night, Feb. 11, 2021, via an in-home screening facilitated by the Exchange Club of Highline.
The 60-year old service club, dedicated to helping people in need in the Highline Area, produced the film in an effort to showcase the club’s community projects as well as the good work of several area non-profits funded by the group.
“On behalf of the entire Exchange Club of Highline, we would like to thank all of those who joined us for the premiere last night.” Gail Smith, Current President ECH said. “Despite the current challenges of our times, so many people have gathered to help those in need, and that support is inspiring. We have more work to do and need more help.”
Watch the group’s short-film below:
In addition to showcasing the benevolent work done by the many non-profit organizations helped by the Exchange Club of Highline, the film offers donation opportunities and hands-on service opportunities.
Brian Trautmann ECH member said:
“It doesn’t matter if you want to write a check, or roll up your sleeves, people in our community need your help, and if you are in a position to help and are willing, we need you! It doesn’t matter if you have zero community-volunteer experience, a great first step down the path of better communities is by watching this short-film.”
One hundred percent of all donations received by the organization support strictly local causes and local people in need.
Donations can be made at