On Thursday, April 13, 2017, the City of Burien received word from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) stating they would be ceasing the North Flow flight patterns over Burien. As we’ve previously reported, the North Flow flight corridor, also known as the “New Route,†has caused significant noise impacts to Burien parks, schools, residential neighborhoods and other noise-sensitive areas. In the letter, the FAA states they have amended the letter of agreement they hold with Seattle Airport Traffic Control Tower by removing language that allowed propeller-driven aircraft to make automatic turns using the North Flow route. They also state they will returning to previous procedures guiding flight corridor routes. “We are pleased the FAA recognized our concerns about the impact of low-flying propeller-driven aircraft on our quality of life,” Quiet Skies Coalition spokesperson Larry Cripe said. “The Coalition will continue to work with the FAA to make sure the voices of Burien residents are heard.†On February 14, 2017, the City of Burien petitioned the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to review final decisions by the FAA related to North Flow flight departures from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The petition asked the Court to review FAA’s denial of requests to modify or cease flights using the North Flow. The petition also asks to review the FAA’s decision to not reopen consultation or conduct the required environmental review of alternative routes that would cause less harm to the City and its residents. The City will continue working with the Quiet Skies Coalition to ensure resident concerns about flight patterns are included in the process. “We are looking forward to working with the FAA to ensure they use the appropriate process for public engagement and environmental review of future flight patterns,†Interim Burien City Manager Tony Piasecki added. “We will remain vigilant, and continue to protect the interests of Burien residents.†More information:
- Letter: North Flow Departures from SeaTac Airport over the City of Burien [PDF]
- Petition for review [PDF]
- City of Burien Files Petition for Review Regarding Change in Flight Path [February 16, 2017 Press Release]
Well done Quiet Skies, thank you!!
Starts with the power of one. Thank you Mr. Cripe for spear heading this effort and thanks to residents who came together in order to make this issue a priority, your efforts are greatly appreciated. “Little Burien” flexes its muscles!
Holy cow. Never thought that would happen.
What a great day for the people of Burien.
Fight the Power!
Welcome news. Thank you to all involved.
Thank you!!!
Congrats City of Burien and Quiet Sky’s and to all those who actively supported those very successful efforts! Great Job!
And for the naysayers who suggested it was a wasted effort, please note how this all worked to improve and maintain our lifestyle….just strong effort, good organization, a plan, some money and a very concerted and coordinated endeavor….’where there is a will, there is a way”….
We may not “have the money to fight” to quote a rumor of what was said at a meeting to change the flight patterns over Burien, but we had the will, the gumption and the Chutzpa and we will continue to monitor this. Thank You Quiet Skies Coalition! FAA, don’t mess with Burien.
I too heard that rumor. Great work by all involved with the Quiet Skies Coalition.
Good job!
This is great news and a wonderful example of what Burien can do when its’ citizens get involved. Thank you Quiet Skies and thank you Burien!
Great work Larry! Thanks to you and all involved for putting this issue front and center.
Thank you for all the time and effort Quiet Skies
Thank you to Mr. Cripe and all involved in protecting Burien!
Great work Larry & team. You stepped up and took the lead,your neighbors thank you! I hope this issue of overflights is a forever dead.
A beautiful sunny day for yard work made even better without airplanes overhead! Thank you for your leadership, Larry, and to all the residents who engaged in speaking out on this critical matter! Let’s remain vigilant in our efforts to keep Burien a peaceful neighborhood.
Awesome & Amazing!
The Age of Entitlement is upon us. Glory be to the people who can’t afford to live in Seattle and opted to go move where they could afford it, near the noisy airport. Good for you. Please vote yourselves $20 minimum wage jobs and free parking everywhere. Make Burien Great Again. You didn’t win much, just propeller plane re-routes. More of the airlines will just use big jets now instead.
Thanks, Mike…appreciate you seeing another issue and finding a way to help improve it…
“Come On Man!”
Mike Singh,
Your comments make NO sense. ZERO
This just in:
Maybe its about time that we had more than one airport, and decreased the # of flights originating out of Seatac.
This is in two words absolutely wonderful!
The good thing about this is that also great things can happen in Burien and I hope it lifts the spirit of all Burienians!
This is terrific! +1 for the citizens of Burien! I will enjoy the quieter skies with a newfound respect for my fellow Burienites. Thank you Quiet Skies Coalition and the City of Burien for your efforts
Congratulations Quiet Skies! Well done!