Well, that’s a wrap (or a jab?) – local firefighters gave out 68 doses of the Moderna COVID vaccine at Thursday’s Burien Farmers Market.

“Thank you City of Burien, the Burien Farmers Market, Mayor Matta, The B-Town Blog, community neighborhood social media pages, and the amazing community we serve,” King County Fire District #2 said.

“Captain Sykes, FF Marrs, and FF Rosenthal worked hard today and received so many positive comments, support, and feedback and we’re happy to serve!”

COVID vaccination

COVID vaccination

COVID vaccination

COVID vaccination

COVID vaccination

Photos courtesy King County Fire District #2

❤️???? #BurienStrong #wearehereforyou!

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...