Highline High School’s Class of 1978 will be holding its 40th Reunion on Saturday, Oct. 13, from 7 – 11:00 PM at The Cove in Normandy Park.
Cost is $40.00 per person.
Organizers say:
“It is really important to buy your admission early as the costs of everything need to be paid for beforehand and not the week of the event (thank you for understanding) – by Sept. 30 at the latest would be really helpful.
Only accepting checks or money orders – not setting up debit or credit cards or other pay methods as they are more costly and I’m trying to keep it simple.”
Please make checks or money orders out to:
HHS Class of 1978 Reunion
P. O. Box 48229
Burien, Washington 98148
For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/231950080790609/]]>