Photos courtesy a nearby resident
A Burien homeowner saw live security camera video on his cell phone showing a couple of suspects burgling his house on Tuesday, June 6, shortly before Noon.
He called police, deputies responded and arrested two suspects.
The incident happened near 14th Ave S. and S. 128th Street (map below).
“We have located and arrested two suspects nearby and are looking for a third,” Sgt. Cindi West told The B-Town Blog.
UPDATE 3:35 p.m. 6/6/17: Police add that a nearby house is being searched for the possible third suspect, as well as stolen property, and this includes a TAC30 Team (SWAT) on location.
UPDATE 6 p.m. 6/6/17: Police provided the security camera video showing the two suspects leaving the house:
Any info on what kind of surveillance the homeowner was using? I’m shopping for that type of thing and clearly this one worked for them! TIA
No but simply safe and canary are good. Plus Costco has a good deal right now on a whole set up. Think there’s another one called the ring that you can actually talk through….. I had my house robbed last year. Locked down like fort knocks now lol
It was Arlo. Worked well.
I have a few IZON cams inside my house & a full on system for outside. With the IZON cams if you put them in key spots they will send notification to your phone of a motion event.
Nice job by the police and homeowners. Glad to see they caught one finally
Are you sure it was just a burglary? I live right around the corner and I’ve never seen this many police cars at once. Saw a man and a woman arrested earlier this afternoon as I drove by, but I count nearly 30 police vehicles! Seems excessive for a burglary.
That’s a typical response to someone armed and potentially dangerous roaming a neighborhood.
I think the last suspect has taken hostages
It was more than that i listened to the whole thing on police scanner several suspects that wouldnt come out a police robot was sent in swat etc
I have nest and it does exactly that
Confirmed,its a house robbery.
We rode by on are mountain bikes looking cool
As we approached the intersection of 128th and Des Moines Memorial Drive from the east we could see all the police activity. We commented that there certainly was a major incident that had just happened. So we avoided that area.
The Ring brand of camera’s, doorbells with camera’s and flood light with camera have great day and night video and you can talk through them – if they are on your porch etc.
Sweet doggie just wanted some petting-time. Had no idea something bad was going on. So glad he was safe and not harmed!