BAT Theatre’s On the Market – a heartfelt comedy – will have its finalé performances this weekend before it‘s finally off the market.
The final three performances will be Friday (Mar. 3) and Saturday night (Mar. 4) at 8 p.m., with the finalé on Sunday, Mar. 5 at 2 p.m.

A former singer, now realtor, struggles with the modern dating scene after becoming a widow two years ago. Her life is turned upside down when she finds a mysterious note from her dead husband telling her it’s okay to “move on.” A touching modern, romantic comedy for grown-ups about love, loss, and finding your Forever Home.
Please note, On the Market contains minimal adult language (one “d” and two “g” words).
Read our review here.
“It is so grand to be back inside with a lovely audience. Don’t miss this comedy that is also history in the making.”
Directed by Maggie Larrick and Rochelle Flynn.
On the Market is BAT’s first show at the Little Theatre at Kennedy Catholic High School.
“When you sit around the campfire telling theater tales, being in the audience of On the Market is a story you will tell with pride!”
Save $5 off tickets for everyone in your party by using the coupon below (click image, then print coupon):
Friday, Mar. 3, 2023, 8 p.m.: Buy Tix
Saturday, Mar. 4, 2023, 8 p.m.: Buy Tix
Sunday, Mar. 5, 2023, 2 p.m.: Buy Tix

NOTE BAT’s new venue and address – the theater space at Kennedy Catholic High School, 140 S 140th St Burien, WA 98168-3496: