[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written and submitted by a verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of South King Media, nor its staff:]
This letter is in response to the previous group who put their opinions out there instead of their actions or money. We appreciate your concern for the financial hit that you have threatened to give Burien Cares. We suspect you will lose as much sleep over it as you do over the homeless dying in the streets. Rest assured Burien Cares will feel no such impact!!! For each of you who threatened to no longer donate, we have more than double the people who will be donating and supporting Burien Cares and their advocacy to provide the downtown core with a much needed dog park.
Although your letter may come from a place of concern, we do not see any of you taking action to support your opinions of how to address the encampment of each of the individuals who are taking credit for the previous letter taking a camper home with them tonight, the encampment would be cleared. It’s a simple thing to do. These are human beings, where is your compassion? Step up and be the solution, not the problem. At no other time does the saying “put your words into action” ring truer but you really don’t seem to care about your fellow human beings. Letting these individuals sleep outside in the elements, have no proper bathroom facility (unless you call an outhouse a proper hygiene facility) and let them anguish away day after day, you really have no compassion for these individuals.
Homeless are removed and placed in shelters and service facilities on a daily basis. It’s a futile effort as the tents also multiply daily. We have taken action to address the current situation which CM Cydney Moore has admitted is an unsafe situation, even though she took credit for establishing it in the first place.
We are happy to continue to put the Burien community and safety first and not cater to the minority. You should continue writing your letters while we make a real difference and create change for our downtown core.
Mark Rekate
Angeline Ottoline
Max and Krista Srague
Kristine Moreland
Mark Valdez
Stacey Richards
Randy Olsen
Joel Manning
Dean Anderson
Lory Newsome
David and Ann Stout
Lindsay White
Teresa and Joe Mengale
Enzo Morella
Jim Fursman
Angus Wood
Luis Oliveria
Barbara and Terry Yamashita
Janet Walters
Brian Roberge
Tricia Baldwin
Jordin Baldwin
Coroline Ellison
Cristina Dugoni
Sheila Keaton
Stacy Timmons
Kaycie Timmons
Krystan Mancini
Matt Koch
Mackenzie Erhart
Taylor Kennedy
Victoria Barrette
Gordon and Judy Thorne
Laurel Klotz
Matthys Van Leeuwen
Wendy McKenzie
Brian Roper
Bob Chafey
Tom Bugbee
Rich Grimm
Mike Herion
Dean Kaufman
Larry Struber
Chris Beecraft
Bob Carlson
Tyler Marsh
Dave Rook
Omar Foster
Darryl Teal
Rick Glissendorf
Cal Calvin
Reb Guthrie
David Kerce
Mark David
Steve Benz
Lance Donkerbrook
EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have an opinion you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must use their full names and cite sources – as well as provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes).
This back and forth is so funny. I live for the drama. Does no one in Burien have a job or hobby??? Have y’all tried talking to your neighbors instead of passive aggressively posting on a silly blog? Chaotic!
Oh look, more people support CAREs then wish to withdraw donations. This was the same ratio for and against ( with most against) allowing the DESC to get full waivers from taxes and waivers from building codes and parking regulations- just 5 stalls for 95 units! Ridiculous giveaway that’s gonna cost the city of Burien tens of thousands of dollars.
I hope this time around our council notices the vote ratio and votes on the side of Democracy instead of allowing non-Burien voices cloud their decision making. Long live 1993, the year became a city rather than a dumping ground for King County.
CARES cares about Burien!
I commend all of your thoughtfulness and care for your city.
Look outside or more specifically downtown and see what all these Progressive voters and subsequent ilk on the City Council have brought Burien. It’s time for all those do-gooding activists to step back and realize dreams and mantra don’t pay the bills or provide safety. And all of the candidates flying that activist flag deserve a shalacking come this next election.
Again with the nice letters, threat letters etc. Ladies and gentlemen it is not money it is where, it’s not a portable potty but a bathroom where, It is not tents but a roof over my head where. The Question is where? Burien does not have space to put up a small house communiity, it has no hotels/motels to buy for housing, it has knocked down many places where this could have been done but were made into parks. There is vacant land along Military Road where a small house community might be built. I commend the Burien City Council for their wanting to keep Burien clean and beautiful well folks you have blown it by letting the first tent be erected around the Library. With one followed two more and later a few more. They are asked to move and they begin setting up on a dog walk and pooping spot. Well those few are now the many as they multipled. If nothing is don e either from the Burien City Council or King County we are going to see more tents go up. I hope a solution is found soon but some tasks take a little heat before they get don.