[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a Letter to the Editor, written and submitted by verified resident. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of South King Media, nor its staff.]
While The B-Town Blog has published some previous information about the Burien Initiative 1 that is to be voted on by Feb. 11, 2025, I thought it’d be helpful and might save folks some time by sharing some additional informational sites that Burien voters can go to for further education.
This is the site for information relating to the King County Voters Pamphlet on the Burien Initiative 1:
For Public Disclosure Commission information on “Raise the Wage Burien” relating to Contributions, Expenditures, Debts and Registration see:
This is the Pro site to the proposed Initiative 1: https://www.raisethewageburien.org/
This is the Con site to the proposed Initiative 1: https://votenoforburien.com/
Feb. 11, 2025 is Election Day. All ballots must be deposited in the drop box or postmarked by 8pm. Be sure to Vote.
Thanks very much,
Sandra Locklear
Burien resident
EDITOR’S NOTE: Do you have an opinion you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must use their full name, as well as provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes). Read our updated Letter to the Editor policy here.
The following organizations (who represent many people living and working in Burien) endorse Raise the Wage Burien’s ballot initiative…
VOTE YES to bring a real raise to Burien workers!
ACLU Burien People Power
Aerospace Machinists Union
Alimentando al Pueblo
Burien Arts
Community Visions
Economic Opportunity Institute
Highline Education Association
MLK Labor
One Fair Wage
One America
Queer Power Alliance
Renton Education Association
Transit Riders Union
UFCW3000 Union
Weed Warriors
The Washington Bus
Washington CAN
Washington Community Alliance
Working Families Party
Working Washington
The Urbanist
Local 8, Hospitality Union of the NW
33rd LD Democrats
34th LD Democrats
Find PDC info on the NO campaign at https://www.pdc.wa.gov/political-disclosure-reporting-data/browse-search-data/committees/co-2025-37398
Wow, that’s quite nice of you to point out the position that actually makes the most sense and is good for Burien’s wellbeing.
Thanks for sharing. According to the PDC, Raise the Wage Burien has so far raised over $100k and, Vote No For Burien has raised, um, $0 at this time. I wonder if “Vote No for Your City” is maybe not the best committee prompt.
$100,000 from outside Burien is a clear indication that outsiders are attempting a hostile takeover to push ideals and agendas. Bribing your way into others business is clearly the goal here and those groups are stooping extra low.
What proof do you have that over $100,000 is all from outside of Burien? (Also, what’s “hostile” about wanting to pay workers a fair wage?)
All you have to do is look at the PDC filing and total up the Burien address contributors, it’s only a few individuals and all other money is from non Burien actors. 99% from outside interests which is clearly a hostile attempt to sway policy.
The amount of individuals who belong to those groups amount to an insignificant amout of Burien residents and Burien employees, it clearly indicates the overwhelming influence of outside interests in Burien business. Vote NO and keep outsiders influence OUT.
I’d love to see any data you have on this.
Would like to add, after 45 years in Burien as a small biz owner. Folks, despite what posters like ND says (who I suspect has never so much as run a lemonade stand)
The small biz owners in Burien are the WORKING CLASS, margins are thin we don’t make all that much. The average Boeing machinist I suspect makes quite a bit more with a lot less hours
I ask voters to consider, if they tax us to death, they raise the wage so far, we cannot afford to hire anyone, and the homeless are allowed to have free range and terrorize us.
What would you do Burien Folks, I suspect the same thing as us, call it day, and close up
And if that happens, Burien collapses, it becomes a ghetto, and from a self-serving point of view so does the value of your home
Small biz Burien are good people, we work hard we support you and the community, we are not getting filthy rich, most all of us are working long hard hours
So please consider My point of view
Vote NO, save small businesses….. A business owner can change it’s own pay rate. Its your decision to work there as an employee, and to ask for or to receive a pay raise, which is shown from your outstanding work performance. (Not to mention the pay rate that is discussed/negotiated prior to employment) For a small businesses in general, If you help increase revenue at that business, you will more than likely see an increase in your wage, specially if you are the one who presents the revenue increasing methods to your boss and keep receipts of it. If you hate your job, maybe you could get a different one if things aren’t working out in your current position.