[EDITOR’S NOTEThe following is a Letter to the Editor, written and submitted by a verified Burien resident. It represents the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of South King Media or its staff.]

‘Continuity of the Promise: Upholding Our Educational Mandate’

As former school board members, we are deeply troubled by the recent and abrupt resignations from the Highline School Board. These departures, along with the surrounding narrative, have introduced unnecessary discord and instability within our district’s governance. We understand the extreme pressures that come with serving on a school board, as we have experienced them firsthand.

In our roles, we welcomed feedback from students, staff, families, and community members, even when the messages were critical or unkind. As Malcolm X wisely stated, “If you have no critics, you’ll likely have no success.” While it is impossible to satisfy everyone in the community, decisions must still be made, requiring resilience, courage, and collaboration.

Serving on a school board is not merely a position; it is a pledge to our students, their families, educators, and the broader community. The core responsibilities of the board are:

  • Policy Development
  • Budget Oversight
  • Curriculum Approval
  • Superintendent Appointment
  • Community Engagement

To fulfill these responsibilities effectively, board members must trust and communicate with one another and the superintendent. While board members can advocate for the system as a whole, they should not interfere with the daily operations of the district, which the superintendent is entrusted to manage.

The sudden resignations of board directors caused unnecessary distractions in the community, threatening the progress we strive to achieve for our children. While challenges and disagreements are inherent in any board, it is crucial to maintain focus on our collective goals rather than personal agendas. We must accept that not every vote will align with our individual preferences. Nonetheless, we must unite in our shared vision and commitment to the promise–that every student in Highline is known by name, strength and need, and graduates prepared for the future they choose.

To the remaining board members, we want you to know that we support you in your vital role within our community. Stay resolute and undistracted in your dedication to providing quality education for every student. As President Van stated, “We are listening to all voices. We do this work because we care deeply about our community, our children, and the future we are shaping together.” We trust you will. As parents, community members, and constituents, we appreciate your leadership and commitment to our students, especially in these challenging times.

To our Highline community, we call upon you to engage in our schools like never before. Attend the next parent coffee with the principal, join the PTSA, apply for a job in Highline, volunteer and attend upcoming after-school sports events, and participate in fundraisers. Additionally, if you live in districts four or five, consider applying for the open board positions and bring solutions for how to better our system to the table. Constructive involvement strengthens our schools. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines. Instead, we urge you to suit up and get in the game!

Together, let’s foster a culture of commitment and positivity, ensuring the best possible future for all our students.

– Carrie Howell (former director for District 4) & Aaron Garcia (former director for District 1)

EDITOR’S NOTEDo you have an opinion you’d like to share with our highly engaged local Readers? If so, please email your Letter to the Editor to scott@southkingmedia.com and, pending review and verification that you’re a real human being, we may publish it. Letter writers must use their full name, as well as provide an address and phone number (NOT for publication but for verification purposes). Read our updated Letter to the Editor policy here.

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

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