Nancy Tosta – who has served two terms on the Burien City Council – announced this week that she will not be seeking re-election for Position No. 5 in 2021.
Prior to her election to City Council in November 2013, Tosta served four years on the Burien Planning Commission.
In addition, Tosta has served on:
- Burien Airport Committee, Chair
- Highline Forum
- King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C)
- Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee
- Water Resource Inventory Area (Central Puget Sound Watershed Forum)
- King County Metro Transit Center Planning Committee
- King County Affordable Housing Committee of the King County Growth Management Planning Council
- Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board
“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve this city for the last twelve years,” Tosta said in a statement. “I will continue to support the community as always – doing my homework, asking questions, looking to the future, while understanding our history. I respect the diversity of perspectives in our community and have enjoyed advocating for all of you and for our city – regionally, statewide, and nationally. I appreciate the confidence you’ve placed in me as you’ve shared your concerns and insights. It has been a rewarding, challenging, frustrating, and always interesting ride! Please continue to reach out to let me know how I can best serve you for the remainder of my term.”
Tosta was born in Connecticut and lived in Ohio, Virginia, and California before moving to Burien in 1996.
Tosta’s work experience includes 24 years in natural resources and technology for California State government (Sacramento, CA); 4 years with the Department of the Interior (Washington, DC); 3 years as Director of Growth Strategy for the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC); and 20 years as a business owner and consultant to public agencies and foundations. She is currently retired.
She earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in natural resources from the University of California at Berkeley.
In her spare time, Tosta serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Tilth Alliance and as a Trustee of the Highline Schools Foundation. She enjoys spending time with her four grandchildren, traveling, cooking, gardening, and photography.
“I have learned a great deal during my service, as well as observing profound changes in our community, our city operations, and politics,” she added. “I encourage everyone to consider ways you might serve our community and am happy to share my knowledge and insight with anyone who might want to engage, including running for City Council. Please reach out.”
After her term expires in December, Tosta said she looks forward to more family and farm time.
She can be reached at
Here’s her full statement:
To: The Burien Community
From: Councilmember Nancy Tosta
Re: Re-Election
I am very grateful to all who have reached out to indicate your support for my re-election to the Burien City Council. Thank you! It is with mixed emotions, that I’m writing to let you know I will not seek a third term.
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve this city for the last twelve years, including two terms on the City Council and four years on the Planning Commission. I will continue to support the community as always – doing my homework, asking questions, looking to the future, while understanding our history. I respect the diversity of perspectives in our community and have enjoyed advocating for all of you and for our city – regionally, statewide, and nationally. I appreciate the confidence you’ve placed in me as you’ve shared your concerns and insights. It has been a rewarding, challenging, frustrating, and always interesting ride! Please continue to reach out to let me know how I can best serve you for the remainder of my term.
I have learned a great deal during my service, as well as observing profound changes in our community, our city operations, and politics. I encourage everyone to consider ways you might serve our community and am happy to share my knowledge and insight with anyone who might want to engage, including running for City Council. Please reach out.
Thank you for your support in letting me represent you. You can reach me at After December, I look forward to more family and farm time. Take care and stay healthy.
Nancy Tosta