There’s a very cool, colorful new mural, painted by local artist Paz (aka Xedouteyes & PAZUZU810), on the south wall of the Rainbow Mini Mart on 16th Ave SW:
“I’ve lived here for years and this wall always tempted me & I’m glad I finally went for it and was able to paint it,” Paz said. “Got it all done in a day, might come back in the future to add more critters if I feel like it.”
Paz has other work around the area, including on the west side of the Burien CARES building.
Learn more about the Artist here:
To support future murals and subscribe to his monthly newsletter:
#art #streetart #ratcity #seattle #freshpaint #dolphin #whitecenter #mural #paz #rainbow #happy #tropical @ Rainbow Mini Mart
Rainbow Mini Mart is located at 11454 16th Ave SW: