From our sister site The Normandy Park Blog:
by Jack Mayne
Citizens of this small city on the shores of Puget Sound have taken the extraordinary step of going to an Internet fundraising website to raise $276,000 to save the jobs of two city police officers and a records clerk.
The police positions have come under the knife after city voters rejected on Nov. 3 a proposal to raise the lid on the amount the city could collect in property taxes.
The Gofundme website – – went online officially on Thursday and, as of midday on Friday, the site reported $4,441 collected from 11 people in four days.
Is it even possible?
Campaign manager Stuart Jenner was asked how the police retention supporters could pull off a campaign during the holiday season in a city with 6,600, and how people can contribute $276,000 right after voters of the city rejected an increase in their tax levy lid that would have covered the earlier proposed budget that included the police jobs.
“How can we not give it a try?†Jenner said.
Read the full story here.]]>