A honey bee and bumble bee were photographed collecting nectar from geraniums in an unnamed North Highline garden recently by Mike O’Kelley.
“They really dislike me getting up in their grille for these close-ups, usually moving away to another flower,” O’Kelley said.
“The warm weather has finally brought them out in sufficient numbers to try a few shots.
“Marie suggested I might send a couple along to the ‘Bee-Town Blog.'”
EDITOR’S NOTE: “Photo Friday” is an occasional post we publish that showcases photos from reader, and we’re always looking for more great local pics to feature! If you have a great one (or more) you’d like us to share, please email a medium/high-res image to scott@southkingmedia.com and try to include what you shot it with, technical settings you used, as well as subject, location or other details. Thanks!