Courtesy Sam Wilder comes these incredible photos of a beautiful Hummingbird taken in his backyard in Burien.

Check out the amazing details of what appears to be a male Anna’s Hummingbird below – it’s like a living work of art!

Be sure to follow Wilder on Instagram at @swilderphoto:

EDITOR’S NOTE: “Photo Friday” is an occasional post we publish that showcases photos from readers, and we’re always looking for more great local pics to feature! If you have a great photo (or more) you’d like us to share, please email a medium/high-res image to and try to include what you shot it with, technical settings you used, as well as subject, location or other details. Thanks!

Since 2007, The B-Town Blog is Burien’s multiple award-winning hyperlocal news/events website dedicated to independent journalism.

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