The Highline Hysterical Society (we’re members) released what they’re touting as an “extremely rare find” on Friday, April 1st – a photo that had thought to have been lost forever of then-President Richard Nixon’s landmark meeting with Entertainer Sammy Davis, Jr. sometime in the early 1970s.
“We’re thrilled to have found this photo, once thought to be lost forever,” said Chyna Downthepike, Executive Director. “One of our archivists found it while digging for a lost quarter that fell down some slats in the floor of an abandoned old home near Lake Burien. Before being turned into a Meth Lab, this house was owned by the cartoonist brother of Ollie Atkins, who worked as the official White House Photographer.”
Oddly, the caption in the photo was done differently, making this find even more historic – check it out: