A Plant Sale Fundraiser for the Nature Stewards Program will be held the weekend of June 4–6, 2021.
- The sale will start each day at 10 a.m.
- Special for the sale is “Buy 5 and Receive 1 free!”
- Plants are $10.00 each, regardless of size or species.
- Includes mostly PNW native plants with a few herbs.
- We now have more Western Bleeding Hearts (shade-loving plants) and Oregon Irises (sun-loving plants.)
- Over 750 plants are dedicated to the Nature Stewards Program fundraiser.
- Call Grace for an appointment time on opening day, Friday, June 4, 10 a.m.: (206) 795.5783
WHEN: The sale runs for 3 days: Friday, June 4, Saturday, June 5 and Sunday, June 6.
WHERE: 13257 5th Ave SW, Burien, WA (map below); corner of 5th Ave. SW and 134th Street, Ggeen and white house with a chain link fence. Look for Nature Stewards banner on the fence.
Masks are required and social distancing protocols are followed.
No early or pre-sales.
The sale will include:
western bleeding heart
western meadow rue
omphalodes, blue eyed mary
peducularis, Georgia
trailing blackberry
fir tree, tiny
indian plum
nootka rose, native rose
low oregon grape
cedar trees. good size
primrose, candelabra
striped grass, sedge
Japanese Forest Grass
black Mondo Grass
variegated red twig dogwood
oval-leafed Viburnum
pacific rhododendron
fragile fern
smith fairy bells
Woodland strawberry
Lilly of the Valley, pink
Lilly of the Valley, white
Lilly of the Valley variegated
shamrock, pink
tradecantia, blue spiderwort
hardy Cyclamen
palmate Coltsfoot
Pulmonaria, lungwort
vine maple
shore pine
white pine
black Hawthorne
paper birch
tall Oregon Grape
oval-leafed blueberry
pacific ninebark
white flowering currant
pea-fruited rose
Oregon iris
Oregon iris variegated
Pasque flower, red
garden strawberry
lipstick strawberries
mock orange, small
mock orange
red flowering currant
Evergreen Huckleberry
Yellow monkey flower
western red Columbine
garlic chives
Greek oregano
garden Columbine
fever few
Northern Red Oak
golden chain tree
Shasta Daisy
hardy pink geranium cranesbill
ocean spray
day Lilly salmon color
coastal strawberry, 2 for $10.0